Monday, February 15, 2016

We girls.

I'm a girl with big dreams. Dreams of conquering hearts. Dreams of witnessing this raw world with its beauty and ugliness. Dreams of leaving footprints on sand of time. Dreams of validation after I'm long gone. Dreams of individualism. Dreams of happiness, sadness, and dreams of being understood as a complete human.  I've put them in a basket and I am carrying them while wobbling in this world that tends to crush me so subtly. And I'm not alone, there many like me, steering themselves through a pack of wolves that wastes no chance to bully them, scare them, or gnaw their flesh with their pointed teeth to carve them in their own way. 

Friday, February 12, 2016


Some people are special in your life. Hardcore special. That more you get closer to them, more you fear losing them. Your mind rushes to find a little glitch in a perfect situation. A small moment to feed insecurities overshadowing your brain. Negative thoughts and peer pressure pop up to ruin little moments of happiness. Sadness of good byes dominate beauty of togatherness. Why is it so convenient to fall prey to sadism? Is it our intrinsic nature or sorroundings shaping us that make us so prone to negative emotions? Why is it so hard to shed overwhelming feeling?