Nomadic heart's inklings
Sunday, April 22, 2018
On Mothers.
The Last Mughal
Anyone who has read history books would agree that history books have a tendency to become boring very quickly. I've read excellent historians who are terrible writers but William Darlymple knows how to write a gripping story. He practically builds Delhi in your imagination and then set it on fire the way rebels and British did back in 1857. He vividly narrates smallest details of mutiny, war and its chaos. So vividly that often you forget you are reading history, not an imaginative fiction. This aspect stirred the skeptic inside me and made me doubt its accuracy at some points but when it comes to history, you can seldom find absolute truth.
The second most amazing thing about this book is writer's empathetic yet unbiased tone. William makes an effort not to offend readers from subcontinent, in fact he gives them lots of things to relate to. From Ghalib's love of mangoes to mushairaas held in Red fort until late night, a reader from sub continent does not take it as a commentary by a foreigner but a friend narrating those experiences. This is probably because the book's sources were heavily taken from Indian national archives and was emphatically written from an Indian perspective.
Last and my favorite point, writer stays empathetic but doesn't flinch while delivering facts. He didn't flinch while talking about christian missionaries and their insensitive and sometimes relentless effort to convert Muslims and Hindus to Christianity. Nor he hesitated to point out the fact that after Muslims and Hindus rebelled against East India company together (as a consequence of British attacking their religious sensitivities) imam of Jamia Masjid Delhi issued a fatwa about extending same jihad against Hindus which lead to utter chaos along with so many other factors that contributed towards this rebellion becoming a failure.
In short, its a must read for a beginner interested in Mughal history.
Saturday, October 21, 2017
On october and its weather
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Book: The ministry of utmost happiness |
5) These days tend to give a significant level of self-awareness. You observe how your body reacts to stress and how your mind deals with various situations. These self-realizations, disappointing most of the times though, help you trace your future strategies and life choices. Because let's not kid ourselves, life is going to get harder and blind optimism serves no good in long run. These days bring us closer to reality and help us take a more pragmatic approach. Since this is my last year, I have gotten a fair idea about the career path that will suit me in life which is a major decision in most of the doctors’ lives. See, it's not all terrible!
So, somehow if I don’t fall in love with October due to its weather, I love it for a strange kind of discipline it brings in my life. I experience it in peace and silence of final hours of the night that most people miss out. This is the part where you might be expecting me to say I will miss these days next year. Well, the truth is that I won’t! Because no matter how amazing a love-hate relationship sounds, It’s always a good riddance when it ends!
Thursday, September 28, 2017
On misplaced egos and broken friendships.
Friday, December 2, 2016
On passing time.
As you grow up, the crowd around you shrinks. That care, love, and support you have been cherishing since your birth starts reducing slowly because the givers are not there anymore. Some die, some leave, some get too busy, some find other distractions but your inner child stays in denial for a long time, clinging on things too hard that the grip hurts your palms and blood oozes out. You hold so tight that it digs in your skin and leaves deep scars. Every goodbye, every heartbreak inflicts a mark on your heart, like a diamond cutting through glass. You cry on some, scream on others and sob silently on most of them because you're forced to come out of your warm, comfortable cacoon and face the cold winds of emptiness. That's why adult life is so challenging psychologically. Oblivious to the cruelty of time, you get attached to faces popping up in that comfortable maze around you and get blown away when they fade or disappear soon. Time makes it happen, it makes people grow out of your maze and fly somewhere else. The circle goes on until every wrinkle on your body has a story to tell. A story of pain, a story of parting, a tale of laughing and forgetting, a tale of crying and loving again. Yes, loving again, growing fond of those bleeding wounds and chasing butterflies again because time may be cruel, it may take dear things from you, but it gives too. It leaves a beautiful souvenir of healing. That's why wrinkles are said to be full of wisdom because they have endurance hidden in them gifted by time.
Sunday, September 25, 2016
Bliss of Solitude..
The best thing you can do to yourself is getting comfortable with your lonliness. Embracing it not as a liability but as a blessing, with open heart, because desire for companionship is like being tied to numerous invisible ropes, with their other ends attached to beings surrounding you. An insidious tug makes you fall at your face, bleeding from places it hurts the most. One little jerk in attempt to gain freedom can spread to the other side and come back to clench your own heart. But once you learn to be comfortable with being truly alone, you get rid of the repressed anger, broken expectations and insatiable need to depend on a friend, mentor, lover or anyone, everyone. You convert it into this magical, delightful bliss called solitude. It's not about building walls around you, protecting yourself or hiding from people. Its about eliminating the need for building walls altogether and coming out in the open fortress of love for your own soul. Because, once you roam that field of happiness, you truly achieve validation of existance and begin to look beyond it, persuing universe in all its glory, with steps that are unshakable and gait that reflects grace embedded in fierceness and strength.
Friday, June 24, 2016
Killing healthy dialogues!
Our society is immature and intolerant to its core because of same lack of dialogue. If you don't make it comfortable for people to say their hearts out, how will you learn being tolerant to others views? But we are not ready to learn this lesson yet. For now, we find it entertaining to humiliate people who try to indulge in dialogue by calling them attention-seekers and laughing at their desperateness to look cool. Anyone who dares broadcasting an opinion or holding a discussion is seen as an outcast striving to jump on a bandwagon. People call him madman! Maybe being sane in insane times is itself an insanity! But mark my words, this mockery is nothing but satisfaction of your fragile egos. It's just another way to validate your ignorance or lack of willingness to say something that world deems important. Anything that happens in the world can be discussed, should be discussed and there is no shame in it. Only shame is doing nothing and airing a sense of superiority in ignorance!