Thursday, October 29, 2015

Study sadists

"Nerds" and "theetas" are terms used to describe people who tend to study in time and deal with preperations beforehand. Others are "moderates" who don't freak out and work on tight schedule instead of managing in advance, but I'm none of these two categories. I won't, just won't deal with my preperation unless time at hand bcomes so limited that it becomes a task of self-flegellation. Third year is easier (at least uptil now it seems so) and we had plenty of time for preperation but I chose to waste days and now it has become a struggle for me. I've meagre time and lots to study. If I had scheduled even as a moderate, things would have been under control but my brain doesn't work like this. It sucks  pleasure out of that agony and struggle. It stays in comfort zone until there is no other option. So I've devised a term for myself and others like me. We are "study sadists". Yes, sadists who takes pleasure in putting themselves in miserable anticipations of failing. 

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