Friday, December 18, 2015
Three down, two to go!
Sunday, November 15, 2015
Whataboutism and Paris attack.
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
Good Bye to Third Prof, 2015
Sunday, November 8, 2015
Friday, November 6, 2015
From Natural disasters to National disasters
Last week, ten years after 8th October, 2005, Pakistan and its neighboring countries faced yet another intense earthquake. It has shaken everyone to core and unfortunately death toll is increasing with passing time. Intense weather and insufficient communication system are giving hard time to authorities in managing relief activities. The scale of damage is huge in backward areas like KPK and Hunza due to geological reasons, poor infrastructure and scarce resources. It was a horrible day for South Asia, calling for much-needed attention to climate variations triggering such frequent catastrophic events, and precautionary measures to deal with them effectively. But majority doesn't seem to care about it and here is the reason why I'm forced to say this.
The minute quack hit, my Facebook home page was hijacked by "born again" Muslims, all of them asking for "tauba" and "hidayat". They were warning other people to wake up and turn towards Allah before it's too late. They were sharing thoughts on how we had brought this on ourselves by forgetting our Creator. Seminaries had already declared it as a warning from God to us, sinners. While I've no problem with a sense of spirituality instilled into people by a threat, I'm amazed on the set of priorities. Not even a single person around me had talked about disaster management or anything alike. None of them had tried to highlight a logical reason involved, in fact everyone rushed to make an "Azab" out of it. I couldn't help but wonder how easy it is for people to sit in their safe houses that are strong and modern enough to resist these destructive jolts, and blame the victim. Yes, blame the victim. It's like advocating that although sufferers were poor and short of resources, their sins were abundant unlike ours so they got what they deserved-their houses ruined and loved ones dead. Contrarily, we were relatively naive plus rich and wise enough to live in secure places and built strong houses, so we got another chance. And that's why we are putting it to right use by displaying immediate repentance for our sins. Now, what should I call it? Ignorance or vanity? Lack of empathy probably. Yes, empathy doesn't come hard here but only if you make a tiny effort to think beyond the narrative society feeds you. Unfortunately, we are not programmed to do that. One moment something happens, in next we get ready to romanticize it in the name of religion, overlooking the fact that it might be an insult to sufferings of those helpless victims.
Our society has this pattern of blaming either our sinful ways or HAARP and Jews, for every flood, earth quack or natural calamity. Even an unusual wave of heat is proclaimed to be an outcome of our collective social debauchery. It's nothing more than a prime example of guilt clogged minds and a desperate attempt to deny responsibility. But attitude like this hampers real efforts, crucial for building a society, armed enough to fight with unpredicted circumstances. Resultantly, most damage comes to the less-privileged people who are unfortunate enough to have insufficient resources and poorly constructed houses. So, people need to stop, just stop propagating such ideas.
My point is that use this tragedy to refresh yourself spiritually, if that is all you want, but don't let this overshadow the real issue. Because, if you think it is a divine vengeance, you won't bother checking your technical mistakes and working on them. If you think it is only a warning from the Creator, you will never ask your authorities for disaster management beforehand or a better infrastructure. You will accept your fate and stay where you are- suffering, witnessing misery, blaming the victim or nature and moving on with your life after making a prayer of forgiveness and gratitude for another chance in life. Do, if it pleases you, but then don't get upset when I tell you nothing will change. Floods will keep coming, earth will keep jolting and disasters will continue inflicting us unless we stop bringing our sins into every climate change and use our energies to figure out underlying causes and devise viable solutions to cope-up with such threats.
Thursday, October 29, 2015
Study sadists
Gender Based Admission Policy- Another Step Backwards!
This blog was written by me on 2nd October, 2014.
Announcement of the new admission policy by Pakistan Medical and Dental Council (PMDC), regarding 50,50 division of total medical seats on a gender basis, has once again corroborated its feeble capability to design a plausible solution for a rather serious issue. The division apparently seems innocuous, but if one analyzes the in-depth grounds, it is just another step backwards. Now label me with a title of feminist, but I'll call a spade a spade because this new policy definitely discriminates against females seeking admission in medical schools. Being a part of this field, I'm aware of statistics pertaining majority medical students as women, which entails most of them giving up the profession eventually in order to set up a family life and I vehemently agree that this issue needs to be addressed but not, and I repeat, not at the expense of injustice and oppression. PMDC could have come up with better solutions keeping merit intact, without dragging gender into it. Setting up a debate over it, one can discuss plenty of possibilities leading to females signing up for medicine, but not perusing a postgraduate degree or practicing medicine at all. Some are forced to give up their goals due to our culture infested by a tragic surfeit of patriarchy while others are victimized by the annoying trend of every mother seeking a lady doctor for her son, only to make a gol roti for him after marriage and even if females are allowed to practice, their work hours are often distracted by family concerns leading to abysmal lag in professional life. Flipping to the other side of the coin, higher number of females choose pre-medical in intermediate due to certain reasons, including lack of male dominance unlike commerce and computer sciences fields, parental pressure and a secure future in the marital arena which is utterly disappointing. So summing up, situation puts females into a weaker position in comparison to their male colleagues who are primarily responsible for feeding their families and maintaining a job for that purpose but solution does not lie in formulating a procedure skewed towards favoring other gender. Another reason of the majority, according to rough stats 70%, students securing admission in medical schools across the country being females is their higher grades making them come up to the top merit, but resulting in wastage of a medical seat with no return to government for resources used in training the student. Therefore, PMDC has fixed 50% seats for women to stop large number of them pouring in. Seriously, do we need another policy in our county which seems to advocate oppression against women? We are already suffering enough from obnoxious lack of gender equality in our society so whatever the consequences of the situation at hand may be, advantage cannot be given to male students with less marks just because they are responsible for being breadwinners and their gender roles are favorable to their profession. Certainly if they want to dominate medicine, rational way is to beat females on merit with their dedication instead of trampling them but sadly, the new proposal doesn't ensure this. It is targeting the symptoms of the disease instead of the disease itself as logically, by controlling admission process, these policymakers can never ensure the meritorious women they exclude exactly be the ones who wouldn't be practicing and less qualified men they assist to enter wouldn't be leaving the country after graduation. Moreover, this quota system will lead to another serious issue regarding shortage of lady doctors in hospitals, affecting female patients. Therefore, all we need is to strive for altering societal patterns to stop the grossnegligence shown by women towards medicine, encouraging more men to adopt pre-medical and making it mandatory for both male and female students, who give in to the medical field, to practice in Pakistan for a certain amount of time after completion of thedegree. By implementing such restrictions, and ensuring their effectiveness strictly, not only a flippant attitude towards medicine can be curtailed, but traditional patriarchy and convention of educational credentials used as a mere status symbol, can also be reduced. Furthermore, a slow paradigm shift in culture, ensuring equality, and availability of sufficient lady doctors in the country, would be a cherry on the top. So in a nutshell, authorities should dismiss this lazy and superficial move to redress the gender gap, and women should come out of their comfort zones, acknowledging their responsibilities to meet country's dire need for lady health experts instead of throwing their degrees away in dark nooks after finding a rich husband. We live in the 21st century and it is time to leave sick orthodoxies behind by accepting that women can and should contribute towards a new, progressive Pakistan!
Monday, October 19, 2015
Homeland season 5
Ever since homeland has been aired on the small screen, controversies are unleashing. The show is accused to be racist and islamophobic because it features CIA tackeling with terrorism (islamic jihad specifically) all over the world. In my opinion, a lot of criticism is undue. Frankly, whats so not-racial way to show terrorist organisations? I do agree show has some technical inaccuracies and the director would have made himself familiar with culture of middle east a bit more, and that show endorses some cliche but that doesn't puts it in the category of racism. It features Islamic Jihad specifically so it is obvious that Muslims will be targeted and honestly what else do we expect? If terrorism organisations feed on ideology directly related to Muslim religion, and they manipulate and brainwash people by same tool, the world will attack that ideology. Plus they have equally criticised drone attacks and shown their repercussions in the show and that is what balances it, somehow. Moreover I do not expect it to be completely unbiased at first place because American nationalism can't just disappear from the screen. All this aside, my real concern isn't its targeting nature towards Muslims. My concern is that homeland is losing its touch. The first two seasons were extremely thrilling but after that show started dwindling. Last chapter was featured on Pakistan and they just ruined it by misrepresenting Pakistani capital as some backward african ghetto. Finale didn't feel like finale and it left me high and dry. Fifth season just came up and it was exhilarating for me because they have featured ISIS-the most recent threat. But with three episodes out already, I've started feeling like it has become less about ISIS and more about Carrie mathison's personal life, her boy friend who literally popped out of nowhere, and her struggles with detaching herself from CIA. Plus it has many flaws like Quin roaming in the streets of Berlin, killing and bombing people but no one giving a fuck. How is that even possible? Its Germany for Gods sake.Carrie's eversion to religion and sudden outpouring of guilt is so cliche. Saul sleeping with German station chief made me want to puke, plus in first two episodes there wasn't even one moment where it would be palpable. Its just third episode and story is still unrolling but its crystal clear that since Brody's death, homeland has been dying slowly and even Carrie's charm isn't helping it much.
Saturday, October 17, 2015
Hearts treading hand in hand..
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Tell me more about how so not prepared you are...
I never bother opening these study groups on facebook because they depress me more than they actually help and here is the reason why. I'm a lazy person who can work only with a tight schedule. A little space of breath and I'll jump to read a book, sleep, eat, or just sit calmly and breath, or in other words, do anything but study. Sometimes, I waste hours sitting all curled up in my couch, munching sandwich and making scenarios in my head that have a zero possibility of happening. One day I'm all freaked out about study, telling everyone how I'm gonna change the world and finish everything in time (not that it ever happens) and other day I just kill time and don't care about it. My life is full of distractions, well, distractions and sleep. Even at this time of the year when people lose their shit after done revising subjects, I sit calmly and plan about completing them once before the papers. And irony is that I don't even bother to double think if I might need revision because it makes me bored to death. Most of my syllabus is piled up for the last day and I strongly believe that last night of exam has this time dilating phenomenon, time dilates and my brain processes information like taka-tuck, so miraculously I become able to at least stuff my head with things enough to pass my exams. And that is sufficient for me, that is all I struggle for. So in this whole situation, when I happen to open these groups and read people talking about shit I've never imagined hearing of, its a total depressor, sometimes a good motivator to get my lazy bones to open the book, but thats a rarity. People ask questions that are unlikely to show up in the exams. They consult and double check everything from different books, I've never been introduced to. They share pictures of clinical scenerios from a parallel universe. They advise not to leave anything, no matter how unimportant, because you never know UHS might have a telepathic power and use it to know what most people have left and put it in paper. All in all, I feel like an idiotic non-medical student who has accidentally bumped into these geeks and then feel bad for herself. People on these groups are of all kinds, some just boasters, others real nerds whi cone here to mourn for how they are not prepared, but most are like me who silently read everything, observe and regret later why they did that. It brings me down to thought that either I'm too overconfident about passing with this miserable condition or these facebook nerdies are too freaked out to convince themselves that maximum paper will be from things they have done already. In both cases, my life is happier even while working in desperate conditions and passing with a narrow edge. I don't want to lose my head, cry, or ruin my health in the process of getting this degree, because its simply not worth it. Thats why I stay calm and do things just sufficient enough for me to go with the flow. That why I don't need these groups and I try not to open them for good.
Sunday, October 11, 2015
Agonisingly beautiful days of the year..
Saturday, October 10, 2015
A paradigm shift
Friday, October 9, 2015
Rant of a non-conformist
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
Should wars ever be glorified?
Thursday, September 24, 2015
Phantom, Saif Ali khan, and Pakistan..
Lazy policy making
Monday, September 14, 2015
A place to find myself again
State vs Doctors
Medical students earn this public sector education ticket by competing with a sea of candidates and passing through abhorrent examination system (whatever rot system it is, they survived). Now when they work hard to get a degree, and go to hospitals why do you expect them to work for free? Most of them are above 25 by then and they have a family to raise and some are only bread earners so If you tell me they have to pay it back to state by working day and night at the cost of a miserable financial status, don't expect me to take this bullshit. State has a responsibility to give us incentives not vice versa. Majority young doctors are forced to do their residencies unpaid. So if they move abroad for a better future just because govt is so darn ignorant about their needs, don't blame them. Get your lazy ass beurocrates to make logical policies based on actual research and sound practical grounds. Stop throwing this pay back to state non-sense every time someone asks for his right. Otherwise, every professional degree is free in public sectors so go on, confiscate salary for every person who has earned his educational credentials from public sector and lets see if they have that "jazba of ghareeb madad" you slap on face of a doctor.
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
My institute is suffocating...
Three years back when I got into SIMS I felt myself luckiest for being at a right place. It had nearly everything I dreamed of in a medical institution. A bunch of societies arranging extra circular activities, talented seniors and a healthy interaction. This ambiance helped neutralising frustration inflicted by anatomy department every week in the form of substage. The whole time, we spent in college, had something happening going on. I even remember a small celebration of valentine day in the cafe and a vigorous minute to win it session for charity purposes. In short life was fun and I used to feel proud that SIMS had a flavour which other medical colleges lacked. It was a place where creativity was appreciated and diversity was cherished. But in last two years, we have seen a paradigm shift. Some radical platforms have also entered into the scene and I feel students are getting one dimensional in their views, but let's leave it for some other day.
The reason I'm writing this piece is a recent incident where our vice principle took a strict action on a dress code of female students. Apparently, all other departments have requested her to do something about unreasonable attire practised by female students because when they get into the hospital, people pass obnoxious comments. She lectured students and next day, actually debarred those who were wearing tights or jeans and that too with a long shirt because apparently jeans and tights are no more allowed. Is it only me or your jaw has also dropped on the floor? Yeah, it happened in a professional institute and a uniform might be introduced constituting loose shalwar and long shirts. Until now, this menace is limited to junior classes only but who knows it may be a beginning. Now, my point is what kind of unreasonable attire are they worried about because frankly I have never seen anyone wearing a mini-skirt here. Plus calling students in office and castigating them if they are not Muslims, is outright intrusive. What if someone is from any other religion? This is a professional institute for gods sake and people here are no Montessori kids. Majority females wear hijab or dupatta, yes, the majority does and even if someone doesn't, it is not on authorities to enforce them.
Everyone has a right to dress up the way they want. If authorities want to make sure proper dress code, it should be limited to our white coats. Make them mandatory, enforce students to wear them, debar them on this behalf but making them cry for slits in their shirts is not something we deem rational. Putting pupils in right direction is part of pedagogy, and guiding them towards a proper dress code is not an issue, but what does it prove when there are no instructions for male students on dress code notice plastered in the college? The tragic part is students think all that happened was justified, but god knows on what logical grounds. People might not agree with my opinion so whatever floats their boats but I, for one, don't think female students need to be whipped into modest dressing because they are already careful about it. Teach us ethics and put us in the right direction but keep a neutral environment because it was once the essence of SIMS. Last year some students were fined in NUST for wearing jeans and we saw an outrage in social media, portraying it as talibanisation of institute. I don't expect such outrage, but at least people need to understand it is unacceptable. Tolerating dissent and appreciating diversity is what we need to promote here, but such incidents do nothing more than stripping the institute from its versatility. Period.